Sunday, 9 October 2016

Article by OpenRice on 07 Oct 2016 好山好水!玩转林明三天两夜 体验小镇生活!

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林明(Sungai Lembing是彭亨州关丹的一个小镇,距离吉隆坡约四小时的车程。这里早期以锡矿闻名,如今是本地人及游客度假休闲的好地方。每到周末或长假,林明从一个宁静淳朴的小镇摇身一变成为游客的聚集地,非常热闹。这里好山好水好风光,有远近驰名的林明云海及彩虹瀑布,还有林明特产美食。

5.00am 彩虹瀑布

攀山涉水约40分钟才能一睹彩虹瀑布的风采。导游会用山水烹煮杯面和准备热饮,让顾客舒缓疲劳之余可以充饥,过后与彩虹瀑布合影留纪念。(图:Calvin Wong)

1.00pm 林明豪华中餐饭


3.00pm 林明锡矿博物馆 & 林明矿场隧道

7.00pm 林明阿定柴香烧肉

(图:林明阿定柴香烧肉 FB)

5.00am 林明山云海

7.00am 林明鸡蛋猪肠粉

林明的鸡蛋猪肠粉,你吃过吗?位于大街的林明雪水档里面就有一档由老伯经营的猪肠粉,每天现做现卖,卖的猪肠粉还可以加蛋。猪肠粉加蛋,再淋上酱料芝麻,另有一番风味。热腾腾的猪肠粉上桌,还散发出阵阵米香与蛋香味。这里生意很好,所以要吃的话就要趁早!(图:Alex Ho)
8.00am 林明百年吊

林明除了有百年老树,还有超过百年历史的吊桥。每当雨季来临水灾发生时,居民就是靠此吊桥作为他们逃生的途径。这条长长的桥虽然看似残旧却很稳固,居民还会从这里骑摩多到达另一端的村落。游客可以租脚车,在摇摇晃晃的桥上骑脚车,体验当中的滋味,虽然感觉刺激不过大家还是小心为妙!(图:JioKaki 约卡旗)

8.30 am 林明面厂

11.00 am 林明民香椰饼


12.00pm 林明鹿园


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Gunung Tapis (Rainbow Waterfall) by 我来自彭亨 Pahang My Hometown

彩虹瀑布坐落在大卑山里,距离林明镇只有13公里。大卑士山(Gunung Tapis)海拔1512公尺,屹立在彭亨州与丁加奴州界的山脊峰上,距离林明市区约35公里。山峦起伏绵延、苍翠的热带雨林古木参天,是酷爱户外活动、游山戏水者梦寐以求的探幽天地。
更多精彩资讯抢先看!请关注 ➨ 我来自彭亨 Pahang My Hometown


林明山美食 Sungai Lembing Food by 我来自彭亨 Pahang My Hometown

林明山美食 Sungai Lembing Food —— 著名的山水豆腐及茄酱面
更多精彩资讯抢先看!请关注 ➨ 我来自彭亨 Pahang My Hometown

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Monday, 25 April 2016

Caves of many deities. The Star Metro. Monday 25 April, 2016 By Ong Han Sean

Monday, 25 April 2016

Caves of many deities

Gua Charas is within a limestone and granite formation that sits amidst palm oil plantations in Panching.
Gua Charas is within a limestone and granite formation that sits amidst palm oil plantations in Panching.
On the way to Sungai Lembing, one will surely see an imposing granite and limestone formation jutting out from among the oil palm plantations.

Within the rock is Gua Charas, a lesser known and scarcely promoted cave complex said to be millions of years old.
According to the official information board at the site, its unique rock formation has made it a major attraction for amateur as well as professional archaeologists and geographers.
The main attraction of Gua Charas are the various Buddhist, Taoist and Hindu deities enshrined inside the main cavern.
To reach the mouth of the cave, visitors must be prepared to make a steep climb up a flight of stone and steel steps.
There are many shrines to various deities in the main cavern.
There are many shrines to various deities in the main cavern.
The massive main chamber is filled with dozens of statues of deities and at the end of the lit path is a large statue of a reclining Buddha.
Temple caretaker M. Subramaniam, 60, said a Thai-Chinese monk had ventured into the cave in 1959 and found a hole in the ceiling where a ray of sunlight shone through.
“The monk then placed the sleeping Buddha statue where the light hit the cave floor. Over the years, devotees built more shrines for deities,” he said.
Subramaniam, who has been maintaining the cave for 29 years, said there was also a natural rock formation resembling the goddess Guan Yin.
Steps leading to a second cave chamber in Gua Charas.
Steps leading to a second cave chamber in Gua Charas.
“Visitors, especially couples, will come to pray to the rock, asking to be blessed with children,” he said.
Subramaniam added that sometimes, white snakes can be seen near the rock.
“It is said that the snakes are the guardians of the rock. However, it is very rarely seen and devotees believe that if one catches a glimpse of a white snake, that person is extremely lucky,” he said.
The cave walls and stones are covered in graffiti of names and numbers, apparently the work of punters.
“I have painted over a lot of graffiti numerous times but there will always be new ones whenever there are visitors,” said Subramaniam.
The cave also houses the Panching Maha Jalalingeswarar Temple, which has a statue of the Sivalingam.
Subramaniam used to be a lorry driver before he was asked by a monk to be the caretaker of the cave temple.
Subramaniam used to be a lorry driver before he was asked by a monk to be the caretaker of the cave temple.
According to the temple’s website, the statue was brought from India in late 1989 by Jeyadevan Nachitram, a lawyer from Negri Sembilan.
The Sivalingam was hauled more than 45m up to the entrance of the cave, then rolled another 100m into the cave for installation. The work took 15 days to complete in early January 1990.
There are steps that lead further up to a second grotto, which appears not to have seen many visitors.
A lone Taoist deity sits in this cave that overlooks the surrounding oil palm estates.
A statue of a reclining Buddha at the end of the cave.
A statue of a reclining Buddha at the end of the cave.
Subramaniam said there were many visitors during religious festivals but otherwise, the cave was quiet on normal days.
To reach Gua Charas, take the turning at Kampung Panching near the police station. The pothole-riddled road runs about 4km right to the cave.
Admission fee is RM2 for adults and RM1 for children. Subramaniam said the donation was used for maintenance of the cave.